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‘My key worker dad didn’t stand a chance against Covid because of systemic racism’

Published date: February 23 2022

Being a Black 60-year-old man and a key worker sealed the fate of one Londoner’s dad when the pandemic began. Femi Akinnola worked for a disabilities charity when he caught coronavirus and died just over two weeks later on the sofa of their family home in April 2020.

His son Lobby says his dad “didn’t stand a chance” because of his race, age and profession which he believes was a factor in his death. The 30-year-old says he feels that Covid “relegated” Black and Asian people and that the norm of being overlooked as a Black person ultimately results in death.

Lobby says his dad resigned from a previous job in a different industry after being passed over for promotion. Lobby said: “In my dad’s experience, he ended up leaving the company. They were bringing in kids, fresh graduates and my dad was helping train the person [who was later promoted above him].

“My dad was then reporting to him and I think at that point my dad was like, ‘I can’t do this’.”
Lobby says he believes racism was also at play but that it was difficult to prove because due to his dad’s good nature he wouldn’t have brought it up.

READ MORE: NHS worker ‘did not feel safe at work’ before catching and dying from Covid

Lobby says his dad didn’t stand a chance at surviving the virus

When the pandemic hit, Femi used a scarf and his personal gloves for lack of PPE to go into work. He fell ill with Covid on April 8 and when he called 111, he was advised to take paracetamol. By April 26, he was found dead on the sofa of their family home.

Lobby said: “The shock of losing someone in the pandemic, it all happened so quickly that you get whiplash from like, I’m talking to you one week and now I’m burying you the next.

“You don’t have a wake, it’s a closed casket, bury the body in the ground, you walk out of the funeral, you said a few words. You can’t have a headstone for a year because the ground needs to settle, it was a wooden cross in the ground.”

Lobby’s father came to the UK from Nigeria with a degree and later achieved two masters qualifications. He worked as an engineer until he resigned. Lobby believes his dad faced systemic racism throughout his career, although he always saw the good in people.

Lobby said: “My dad had what my mum would call this infinite capacity to see the good in people. My dad would be like, ‘this person is fine’, and my mum would be like, ‘no watch them, they are probably going to stab you in the back.’ It’s an issue with the insidious racism in the UK. There’s always potentially another reason. You’re not always able to say, ‘it’s because of this, it’s because of racism that this happened’.”

His dad eventually set up his own consultancy firm but towards the end of his life he worked at a disability charity. Lobby says his dad’s experience of bias in the workplace which led him to move on into a face-to-face role, is a typical occurrence among Black people as highlighted by the independent report by SAGE in July 2020.

SAGE made recommendations for the action in light of the disparities in the impact of Covid in Black and Minority Ethnic populations, and suggested that action be taken to “reduce precarious or poorer quality employment which will increase risk of exposure to disease and illness”.

Lobby says his father had an infinite capacity to see the good in people

The report stated that this was to be done by developing a “national strategy to break barriers to entry into higher paying occupations; provide clear career development opportunities and pathways; tackle bias in recruitment, promotion and pay decisions; and report on the ethnicity pay/employment gap”.

MyLondon asked the Department for Health and Social Care whether they had implemented this action to but they did not respond directly to the question.

The SAGE report recommended that NHS Trusts undertake an independent review of racial inequalities and discrimination in the NHS. It stated that this was a reoccurring theme throughout the evidence on the impact of Covid-19 on ethnic minority communities is the issue of racism and discrimination within the health and social care system, including within the NHS.

It is also stated that it was critical for NHS Trusts to review processes by which BME staff are able to raise concerns about “occupational risk and safety”.

MyLondon also asked if they have implemented the actions given by SAGE ahead of lifting restrictions. A spokesperson for NHSE London said: “All trusts are required to complete an annual workforce race equality questionnaire and this information is used by the trust/regions and national NHSE/I to monitor progress made in terms of actions put in place.”

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Diversity was also an issue highlighted in the 2020 SAGE report and recommendations were given that the NHS increase diverse leadership at all levels in the health and care system, “reflecting the communities which it serves”.

For Lobby and his family, having a Black doctor is something he calls “classic wisdom” and is something which he doesn’t take for granted. After his vision became blurry while studying at university, he says that meeting an African doctor restored his sight after a year of having tests carried out by other non-Black staff.

Lobby said: “When I was in university I had a blurry spot in my vision. I was like, ‘what the hell?’, and it wasn’t going. It was persistent and recurrent and I went to the hospital, and I had tests and things and my eye checked for a year. I wasn’t sure what was going on, what was causing it and I went to the hospital and it happened to be an African doctor. He looked at my chart and he said, ‘do you have sickle cell?’, and I said, ‘yeah, I’ve got the trait’, and he said yeah, ‘that’s it’.

“It’s clotting in the back of your eye. Take some aspirin and it will thin the blood’. Now, it’s gone. It was just that the institution isn’t designed with facilities or experience to know how to deal with people who aren’t white British. Obviously sickle is a lot more common in African patients, and [the doctor knew] so there’s having the experience and he did.”

Lobby says he feels there is still racism at play in the healthcare system but that a lack of diversity results in harsh consequences for Black people. He said: “I’m not saying there aren’t racist people in the institution, there will be. But I’m not saying it’s a lack of intent or mal intent that negatively affects people of colour. But if you don’t have that diversity in your system, if you do not have Black people and Asian people helping to shape the structure – you will miss things and that is a fact.”

But for Lobby, who is part of the Covid-19 Bereaved Families for Justice Group, he feels that the Prime Minister has no interest in tackling the problems of systemic racism.

He said: “We currently have a leader who has made explicitly racist remarks without consequence for his actions. The fact that he missed the first five COBRA meetings. The fact that when it comes to creating borders, making decisions he doesn’t consider his privilege he’ll go through hospitals shaking peoples hands.

“I think when you say, ‘what hope do we have as people of colour?’, I think the government has no interest beyond themselves like literally beyond the doors of that specific group of the government, and that goes doubly for people of colour.”

For the first time, Lobby was allowed to sit in Prime Minister’s Questions in the House of Commons on February 2, 2022. He says that the experience left him feeling “appalled” and “disheartened on many levels.”

He said: “I never understood why it was called Prime Minister’s Questions if the PM doesn’t have to answer the questions. Secondly, I thought that the level of irreverence that you see is appalling because the way I describe it was like being in a common room. In a sixth form common room.

“People are just hanging about cracking jokes with each other. The fact that this is happening in the midst of a crisis, as you are throwing jabs at each other and making references to children’s cartoons while people are dying, and they are dying on decisions you are making here in this room. It did not feel like the weight of that carried at all, From either side.”

A government spokesperson said: “The Prime Minister has been clear that there is absolutely no place in our society for hatred, racism or discrimination of any kind. The pandemic has shone a stark light on health disparities across the country and the NHS is already taking action to improve the experiences of patients and access to services.

“Over the last two years, we have been working together with the NHS and local faith leaders to save lives, by tackling these disparities and ensuring everybody has access to advice and information about how to get their COVID-19 vaccines and booster jabs. This Government is committed to building a fairer Britain and taking the action needed to promote equality and opportunity for all.

“This includes building a fairer economy and we have been clear this means ensuring the UK’s organisations reflect the nation’s diversity.”

They also added that they are working closely with businesses to consider what steps can be taken to build more representative workplaces. BEIS has undertaken a consultation and the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities has made recommendations on Ethnicity Pay Reporting, with the responses due to be published in due course.

With all the factors that played a part in Lobby’s dad’s death, the virus is something he views as being metaphorically “tailor made”.

And although he says it affects everyone, he has been ultimately left with the wounds of which started out as underlying societal symptoms highlighted in the pandemic, and ended with his father dying on the sofa.

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